Wednesday, August 03, 2005

More About Ugly People!

By popular demand... heres another one about the visually challenging :D

This bus full of UGLY people crashed and burned. All 40 of the people in the bus die. The Arch Angel Raphael out of compassion, and probably feeling bad that all these dudes were so ugly no one ever really cared or loved them (apart from their parents... and even they suggested plastic surgery), offered each and every one of the 40 a wish each.

Look at it from an ugly person's point of view. You spend your entire life avoiding mirrors. Avoiding daylight where people can actually see how bad you look. Obviously your wish would be to look good no?

Shut up. I didn't say you could disagree. Besides this is MY story :D

So the first guy goes... 'I want to be good looking'... *poof* He's good looking. Wish granted. The other guys and gals are thinking 'Yea.. I wanna be hot looking too! (hawwttt as in phat instead of FAT) So they go : 'Make me beautiful', 'Make me gorgeous'. *poof* *poof*.

Ten people make the wish and ten visually pleasing people appear. (God knows if this were true we could use more archangels).

At this point of time, the guy last in the queue starts to laugh slightly.

Another ten people get their wishes, and the last dude starts laughing louder and louder.

Another five wish for good looks and the guy at the end of the queue is practically laughing hysterically.
Soon, its the last five people in the queue waiting for their turn. The last dude is laughing so hard now, he is rolling on the floor and in tears. Raphael is extremely curious as to what the man finds to tintilating.
So the four before him go 'Make me good looking', 'Make me pretty' and so forth.

Finally its the cacking maniac's turn.

Raphael looks at the man who is now wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.
'Well, whats your wish?'
Choking back laughter... the man says...

'Make them all UGLY again!!!'

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