Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Her Royal Canineness

'Hail and greetings majesty.' *bows deeply*
Who am I talking to?
Well obviously not you.
I'm talking to the Queen of the House. Princess actually, she's a little young to be Queen.

Its been a month plus since our lil puppy has moved in with us. Finally we have established who is who in our little pack. More importantly, who is 'the boss'.

The puppy! :( :( :( (yes... its VERY WTF??)

A friend describes our little pack as 'the three humans wrapped around Baby's little tail.' So very very apt!

Don't get me wrong. Baby still does listen to me when i tell her to do things... Well.. occasionally... Alright... once in a blue moon! (when I am holding food mostly) But she has a way about her that makes you end up doing what she wants. Either its the puppy eyed look when you're about to dump her into the cage, the innocently wagging tail when your rolled up newpaper is about to get acquainted with her bottom or just the accusing whines when u leave her alone too long.

A good example would be when I am at the computer and writing stuff. She has the habit of running and nibbling my toes. Should that fail, she will sit down and stare at me. Should that fail too, she'll bark at me. Eventually I give in and reach for her. Even as I reach for her, she lifts her fore legs, preparing her royal puppyself to be carried into my lap. Upon gracing my lap, she is very fastideous about arranging her surroundings (i.e my poor thighs) into a comfortable bedding. My reward for being a loyal subject is then pin and needles from the lil mutt. But she looks so peaceful when she's asleep I don't wanna move and wake her.

Like most females, She really is a manipulative little bitch puppy.

Last night we removed the carpet from the living room. The doc said it was unhealthy for her as she enjoys sitting her blue blooded butt on the carpet and munching on her food there. All sorts of dirt and germs could hop into her food according to the vet.

Removal was not enough for the pup tho. She took it one step further. Some how as we were getting rid of the carpet, she was most upset that her royal chambers were being moved without her consent. She started whining and barking at me. Thus, I was ordered by the bigger bitch *cough* my mom, to make a carpet that fit nicely into her little den (okay its a damn cage... but the word cage sounds so prison like :( ).

I could almost hear the pup thinking this :

'Stupid humans giving me hand me downs again.'

Worse still, they don't show ANY respect. The damn carpet is not even RED. I bet Princess Horse Camelia, doesn't have to put up with this. I guess it will do. Alas, the burdens I have to bear.'

*waves front paw like the Queen Mother*

She was obviously thrilled with her new carpeting. She ran into the cage, sat her butt down. Ran back to the living room and sat down. It was as if she were comparing the feel of the carpet in her cage and in the living room, to confirm they were equally easy on her tush.

That being said and done, I love the lil monster to bits. As do the rest of my family. Its been a while since there was so much laughter in this house. :)


Vince said...

OLD??? OLD?????

you = dead la

*Send nuke to singapore*

Anonymous said...

bleahz !!

vince is old .. yeaps no doubt