Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm not a pessimist...

Just a Murphy type optimist!

For those who aren't familiar with Murphy's law, its a chaos theory that anything that can go wrong... WILL go wrong... Interesting line thought up by a ever-loveable wet blanket friend of mine.Lets do a check of what I've accomplished over the past few months since November

1) Admitted to hospital on 2 counts of suspected insanity!

2) Been suspected of having a missing brain and had a scan +x ray

3) Broke down with allergy due to medical 'remedy' for missing brain

4) Become a quarter of a century old

5) Entered a state of 'Oneness' with my computer

Hmm... not looking so hot! I won't even go into details about my love life (unless stalkers count I have none!) my mothers health or the losses to their families my friends have endured.

Well as the saying goes, when it rains it pours..... but no one warned me about the freakin floods! Its pretty odd that I find myself writing in a pseudo-paradotical perceptive of what has been going on. In actuallity, I find my self grasping at straws to find something amusing about the whole situation! What you can't fix, laugh off they say? That explains why I laugh so much I guess!

Looking for that silver lining

Amongst the clouds in my mind

A thin sparkle

A glimmer

Any sign of anything

But the suffocating gloom

Silver linings. A loser's answer to being buggered over and over again by either oneself or circumstances one would desparately like to believe is beyond one's control. I use the term 'buggered' very affectionately. Its the closest to intimacy for months I've had after all! The constant screw overs life gives you does place you in the mindset 'Damnit things can't get any worse!'. Again Murphy's Law rapidly kicks in to disprove that hyphotysis. Kicks it right between the nuts... (well for gents anyway.. lets not go into where ladies get kicked ;) )

The metaphor of 'being in sinking sand' some how seems inept. Sinking sand eventually chokes you to death. However, our dear chum Murphy takes evil delight; in a very masochistic fashion, of hurting you but denying you that final relief. Hell if Murphy's Law was a person, he'd be Japenese. Finding all sorts of new kinky ways to screw you over. From used school girls to ultra leather undies that choke the 'breath' out of you.

So heres to you Mr Murphy!

Heres to Murphy,

and his amazing law;

Like when you were caught

sleeping with your sister in law!

Or when that toxic truck

ran over your toe..

Giving its today's

evil eerie glow!

Making what's right,

so absolutely wrong;

Ridiculously dumb;

like a thermal thong.

Making a nonsense,

of the law of averages;

Hell, you'd make a killing

selling alcholic beverages

So Mr Murphy,

Heres my tribute to you;

May lighting strike your arse,

God knows its over due...

signing off for now ;)

Have a Murphy day

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