Thursday, December 28, 2006

Picture Perfect

I'm writing a script for a 30 minute movie. So I'll be updating this thread from time to time... hopefully often before Ana kills me for not meeting my deadline! So keep reading it if it holds your interest, which i hope it does!

Exterior Back Alley.

'A pretty little wench like you. You need not beg... I have better ways that you can earn money..' the man in rags said, leering at the girl.

'Please no. I just want food.' said the girl.

'I'll feed you alright. Feed you more than you can swallow,' the man chuckled.

'Enough!' came the commanding tone.

'You will leave now,' the gentleman started. 'Or do you need an escort?' he continued, two burly men standing beside him appeared.

'No escort sir! I was but concern for the poor wench. Starving you see she has been. Can't do good these days without trouble I sees,' stammered the man.

'Good indeed. You would have her a whore. Begone before I change my mind. Perhaps an escort be too mild a punishment for your likes,' the gentleman said.

Needing no further encouragement, the man in rags ran. Faster than you would have thought possible for such a fat man.

'You need food girl?' the gentleman asked coldly.

Frightened, the girl merely nodded.

'Come with me. And I will see you are not only fed but also dressed like a human. If you be a human under all that grease and dirt that is,' the gentleman snorted distatefully.

Confused, the girl tried to rise but stumbled falling flat on her face. It had been too long since her last meal. She was plain exhausted.

'Spoilt child. Need I carry you? Very well.'

'Master your clothes! Let one of us do the work!' cried one of the gentleman's henchemen.

'Bah! They are but clothes and easily replaceable. I will bear this child. She is lighter than she looks. Though she does smell like she is overdue a bath for a few months. Nay, perhaps a few years,' the gentlemen exclaimed.

Interior Gentleman's mansion bathroom

'Lice! She has lice!' the maid protested. 'Big as roaches they are!'

'Nevertheless, have her cleaned any way. This is my wish,' the gentleman commanded storming out of the bathroom.

*A scrubbing ye shall get lil lass. Hold on to your dear life. For good or for ill, you'll be presentable for the young master,' the maid said, taking a better grip of the little girl as she squealed.

Interior Gentleman's house

'Here she is young master. Pretty as a daisy. Cleaned up pretty well she did,' the maid pronounced.

'Very well. Leave us now,' said the gentleman.

There was an ackward silence in the room. The girl scratched at the dress that she was put in. Feeling out of place and uncomfortable. Yet she was a sight to behold. Her dark brown hair fell down to her shoulders and her brown eyes emmitted an innocence that could not be faked.

'Than... thank you,' the girl stammered.

'Have you been fed?' asked the gentleman.

'Not yet sir. But it is okay. I can wait,' said the girl.

'Incompetence,' the gentleman growled.

'Madame Grinch. Madame Grinch!' there was a the sound of feet rushing towards the room.

'Yes master?' the maid asked.

'Did I not leave orders that she would be fed?' the gentleman nearly growled.

'No master. Your orders were merely to clean her up as best as we could. Which...' the maid started.

'ANYONE with common sense would know to feed this child. She is but skin and bones. Must I do ALL the thinking for you as well Madame Grinch. Is this what I employ you for?' the gentleman snarled.

'No... no master... I will see to it right away,' the maid stammered, rushing off to get food.

'How do you feel? Apart from hungry obviously,' said the gentleman.

'I feel fine... master?' said the girl.

'I'm not your master. That remains to be seen. So tell me girl. Why are you beggin on the streets? An orphan? Abandoned by relatives? Spit it out. Speak.' said the gentleman.

'No sir. I ran away.' said the girl plainly.

'Ran away? For what cause? Starvation in the streets? To feed lice and insects of the such?' the gentleman growled.

'I'd... I'd rather not say sir,' the girl started, 'but I am eternally in your debt for your rescue. Otherwise I'd have starved to death soon.'

'That remains to be seen. If my staff are as incompetant as they seem... you might yet starve to death!' the gentleman barked.

'Its okay sir!' the girl gushed,'I am not that hungry. Some bread and water will do me well.'

'Nonsense. If I would have you eat like a beggar, I would have left you on the streets...' the gentleman said.

'The meal is prepared sir. Anytime the young lady is ready to eat...' said the maid.

'Very well. Go now. Eat your fill.'

Interior Gentleman's mansion, dining room.

The girl eats greedily, her hunger getting the better of her.

'Thish ish wondful foode,' she exclaimed between mouthfuls.

'Eat slowly my lady, least you choke on your food,' the maid warned her.

'Its been so long since I've had food this good. You don't understand.' The maid nodded sympahtethicly.

'Still... slow down and enjoy the food. No one's going to take it away from you.'

'Whats the master like?' asked the girl.

'Why the sudden interest?' asked the maid.

'Its not like any gentleman to just pick some one off the streets and feed and clothe them. He must be a very kind man,'said the girl.

'Aye. Kind indeed is the master. But ware lil miss. He has a cold side to him as well. He must have had his reasons for being for playing benefactor. Perhaps it was a whim. Who knows. Theres no telling with the young master,' explain the maid.

'I'll keep that in mind,' she said thoughtfully. Then, she continued to eat.

'Have you eaten your fill?' the voice boomed. The gentleman stood at the doorway. Staring at the girl and the maid.

'Yes master. I'm as full as I've ever been,' replied the girl.

'I'm not your master. At least not yet. Come with me. I have matters to discuss with you.' said the gentleman.

'Very well sir,' she said, taking on last reluctant look at the food.

Interior Gentleman's Study

'What will you do for me to stay here? asked the gentleman.

'I'm not that type of girl sir. And I never will be,' the girl said angrilly.

The gentleman laughed but it was a cold sound.

'That is not what I meant. If I were looking for a whore, there are plenty on the streets. I need not pretty you up and feed you for this. Tis expensive whoring.' he chuckled.

'What will you have of me then sir?' the girl asked, slightly remorseful.

'What work can you do?' asked the gentleman.

'I can perform house chores sir. I could be one of your maids. And I can...' the girl trailed.

'Can what?'asked the gentleman.

'Nothing. I can help you with the house chores. Nothing more,' the girl said.

'There is a mystery about you. I knew that when I first saw you. But thats okay. I like mysteries. I will slowly unravel you.'

The girl remained silent.

'You may stay here. Report to Madame Grinch and tell her to make you useful around the house. That is all.'

'Yes sir,' she replied and turned to leave.

'Oh, and one more thing.' the gentleman interupted.


'What is your name. It won't do for me to address you as girl for the rest of your stay here.'

'Nicole sir. My name is Nicole.' she answered.

'Very well Nicole. Dismissed.' he said turning his back to her.

Nicole left the room. Closing the door behind her.

'I forgot to ask his name!' she realised.

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