Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm cranky....

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stolen from my bro's friendster :p ... BITE ME JU!

I'm cranky... sleepy... would like to take a nap but feel too guilty and worried about Baby to sleep... she was so happy going to the vet... she had no idea she was gonna be cut up... the poor thing... *SIGH*... no sleep till I pick her up tonight...

and extremely bored... so I went around spamming people testimonials... ahahah...came across some interesting pictures too! There was one which was pitch black and captioned 'spot the two indians'... lol...

any ways off to the books with me... later

1 comment:

Joe said...

badz badz maru! hahaha that's the name of the penguin... i have that picture too, from an email from my sister! lol