Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm so knackered

Being out of shape sucks. I know round is a shape but its a shape that doesn't allow you to exercise very well thats for sure!

My knees and ankles ache like hell. Must the extra 9kg. I just want to apologise to all the fat people who have felt insulted from reading my blog entries.

'I'm sorry you're fat and felt insulted by reading my blog entries'.

See, now I don't deserve to go to hell. Whatcha mean even hell wouldn't take me?

Seriously though, this has kinda given me an insight to how overweight people might feel. I'm by no means over weight, perhaps even still a tad underweight. But the extra pounds really pack a punch. You feel sluggish, slow and uncoordinated when you move.

I was told that I looked like a pregnant woman. Its wind lar! I swear it. No beer belly. No fat pouch. Just plain wind.

*eats baked beans anxiously to prove point*

Old age catchs up with all of us I guess. But at 25 I am BARELY old okay! No yu-chan... I just SEEM ancient. Most of my bits work fine and nothing's rotting off yet. Thus, I'm still reasonably young. Heck they make sitcoms about 20 somethings like me. Misguided, pseudo humoruous and definately misfits of society.

A wise man, probably a woman if you asked me, said that for men, biologically its downhill all the way from 18. Cause your hormone levels only fall after that age and never peak again. Yes. Definately a woman.

Theres a saying that goes, 'Men are like fine wine, and they taste better as they age.'

Who the heck would want to 'taste' a wrinkly 100 year old dude. Dumbest saying I've ever heard to be honest. Man if we're gonna use some adatage to make ourselves feel better, at least let it be one that makes some sense.


'The fireplace maybe old, but the fires still burns.'
(This ones been used a lot I guess.)

'If wrinkles were horses, I'd be rich and have a herd(s?).'

'I'm not old, I'm a recycled teenager'
(ok ok... so this one I didn't come up with myself... tm'ed even by whoever did)

'Youth is like running uphill, wisdom is sweet downhill all the way'
(some how this one isn't very reassuring, 'senility' could replace 'wisdom' pretty easily in this sentence)

'That's not old. That's young challenged'

and of course, my personal favorite :

'So what if I'm old, you're fat (and?) ugly'

Going to hell you said? See you there. You laughed too ;)


Anonymous said...

Interesting blog...didn't know your religion had "hell" in it...thought it was enlightenment or something like that....coming back as something better?

Anyway if that's really your picture you posted, you have nothing to worry aren't overweight...unless 140# is overweight to you!!

And...your sex life doesn't go downhill after 18...unless you let it...some things don't wear out!!


Vince said...

I'm christian buddy

what you're refering to is buddism or hinduism where it is not heaven but a state of enlightment

Anonymous said...

That's great you're a Christian Vince, good to hear that. Sorry I didn't mean to offend you but I was curious and didn't want to assume you were Christian 'cause in the U.S. they are always talking about how Christians are persecuted in Malaysia...