Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Been a while huh?

been quite a while since I posted anything up. Lack of things to whine talk about I guess. One thing that caught my attention today was how people were using sex to sell their blogs.

I mean seriously, sex does sell your product; but its oh so tacky. Kinda cheap too. I wonder if people who can't help but use the word f*** between every other adjective or verb justs portrays their lack of skill using the language. A lack of vocabulory to express themselve without using conventional swear words.

Its amazing how people spend 3/4 of the time inserting cuss words and just 1/4 of the sentence or less is content or a point they want to make. Maybe its some kinda psychological release for people who can't swear without being sent to bed in real life. Jokes aside its kinda sad don't you think?

Worse still are those who keep writing explicit and crude sexual innuendos or even plain light porn in their blogs. *shakes head* I seriously don't get it.

Well anyway, my topic for today is simply about my new pet hate. I hate the word 'TRY'

Heres what people REALLY mean when they use this awful word.

Its okay, you TRIED your best.
You're forgiven because your pathethic efforts just aren't up to mark. But that was expected anyway.

We are not receiving a response from the number you have dialed. Please TRY again later.
You girlfriend/boyfriend is probably on the phone with their lover. Try calling when they're done with their phone sex session.

If first you don't succeed, TRY and TRY again.
If you mess up, keep going and keep failing. Watching you crash and burn so often is highly amusing.

I'm TRYING to understand you.
I have no freaking idea what your tiny brain and inferior intellect is attempting to get me to understand.

Why don't you TRY it out.
This stuff is illegal and lethal, give it a go and see if you die or get arrested.

I can't promise you that but I will TRY to.
I'm probably not going to do what you ask, but I'll pretend to shut you up.

Maybe you're TRYING too hard.
You dumbass. Can't you take no for an answer?

Thank you for TRYING.
Zero points for accomplishment but fool full marks for stupidity

See! Trying is such a horrible world. Don't ya think so too?

Don't blame me for boring posts. I'm bloody tired and TRYING my best.


Anonymous said...


I made a comment but it didn't get on the blog....maybe I was barred from your blog!!

Are you still "trying" to send your dog to me? I'm waiting...


Doreen said...

Ouch. Cheer up Vince! : ) Don't be such a sour puss.. hehe. Haven't been getting any have you? *lol*

Vince said...

thats odd
I don't know how to bar people in the first place XD

ahha not getting any! you haven't the faintest idea reen reen...

This is cheerful me la! :o

Anonymous said...

lol, i believe devo dunno how to bar ppl. :p

coz.... previosly when ppl "said" devo hacking :p

*ahem...he just learnt HOW TO zip and unzip a file like few dayssss before the hacking things happen lor. XD

Vince said...

I'm a 1337 haxor!

Anonymous said...

who gonna believe tht....muahahaha...

Anonymous said...

XD that is actually true ...hmmm shall use TRY on irritating people! ngek ngek ngek