Friday, March 30, 2007

The internet is for PORN!

Theres a little secret
that I keep
Its not very complex
Its not very deep

Actually its no secret
To most peoples
Especially those with glasses
and pimples

I found this out
quite a while ago
the internet is for porn
Did you know!

There's all sorts
for all kinds
I've seen things
that messed with my mind(s?)!

That French Poodle,
the human, not the dog,
Talking down low and dirty
I still have the logs!

There's the inter-racials
White and black
Watched it while listening to
Smack that!

Then you have the kinky
And the every so naughty
Playing with toes, whips
Chocolate 'ice-cream'. and pee!

Theres your pick
of the soft or hard core
One things for sure
It'll have you begging for more!

Just so you know
The internets for porn!
From late nights
to the early morn~

Computer Jokes - How to Get a Life

It's never easy to overcome innate nerdity, a serious Internet addiction, or a hard-core computer gaming habit, but trying usually isn't as painful as kidney stones. Here's how:

Let go of the mouse.

Turn off the computer.

Play a game of solitaire with a real deck of cards.

Eat something other than taco chips.

Fart without recording it and putting it up your Web page.

Get some sleep in bed rather than on your keyboard.

Next time you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, don't tell everyone on your ICQ list about it.

Open a window without turning your computer back on (yes, it is possible). Very gradually expose your eyes to increasingly bright light so as to avoid damage or permanent sun blindness.

When you feel prepared for a massive dose of non-CRT radiation, put on welding goggles and go outside.

If you see someone, say "Hi" to them instead of trying to make the modem connect sound.

Visit a friend that you haven't spoken to in years because they don't have an email address.

Have ".com" officially removed from behind your name.

Go on a date with someone you didn't meet in a chat room.

Been reading through my blog archives... I've been a pretty gloomy writer of late... so heres a touch of funny for those of you who like my sense of humor. I'm trying hard to cheer up and deal with my loss of baby... the first step towards recovery I think... also the most crucial since my exams and assignments are due soon. I have to be in thinking form as soon as possible!

So drop me a comment for encouragement if you like... or discouragement if you hate my guts... :)

have a murphy day

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