Monday, July 07, 2008

I think its time to call it a day :)

I've been pondering on this for the longest time now. Talked to eunice about it for quite a while. I also had a long talk with my long time bestie Az about this. They made me realise alot of things. One of them is that I no longer want to write. Yes. I'm quiting writing. No more scripts. No more short stories. No more poetry. Why you ask?

You have to understand that writing has been my crutch for the past decade or so. When I was unable to voice or tell people how I felt. I turned to writing for release. Effectively it made me forget how to communicate my hurt... my happiness... my feelings... making me effectively a social vegetable...

I need to learn how to communicate with people aside from writing. I need to talk to people who are real. Not just internet friends. Most of all I need space to redefine myself as an individual. Reset my priorities now that writings no longer in my life.

Of course I'm not quiting writing for good. Maybe a year... or more... I don't know yet. Depends how fast I become a normal person again. Who can lean on friend the normal way for help. Who can talk about things openly.

Unless you guys have a better suggestion :)

then I'm all ears


Unknown said...

I think that, all in all, your idea is pretty good.
Still, a soccer player (yay!) does not need to quit playing soccer with his friends if, one day, he decides to quit his career. Maybe you should keep writing... less often, for other purposes... but still writing. You are good with that and should not waste a talent.

Regarding talents, I'd say you have others. Like the hability of socializing with asian rodents.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, Cerb here. -.-

theuptownlife said...

well, that's good, if you think that's for the better, why not?

it's time to spread your wings.. and become a social butterfly! hahah.. :p