Thursday, July 31, 2008


All too often, we get caught up with the gloom of daily life and we forget about the little things that make us happy. That make us smile. Well, mine's not exactly little. She's quite big boned. And obviously she's female from the fact I'm calling her 'she'. She's got soft fur. Yes. Fur. Not hair? Do I look like I'm getting any damn you? :)

  • Suki
  • Suki pao
  • Fei Por
  • Pup-pup-puppehhh
  • Suki Darling
  • Sweetie

She has more pet names than me in our family. In fact the only pet name I have is... never mind that. :p

So heres a few times my little sweetie's made me smile.

My chest is heavy

I was sleeping on night (wait or was it morning? I'm a vampire after all) and it felt really hard to breathe. My chest felt really heavy. So I woke up, dreading that I had smoked to much and came down with some kind of stupid lung infection. Then I saw her.

30 pounds of sleeping puppy on my chest. Snoring.

I scold her: 'Suki! Bad girl!'

She wakes up. Looks at me. Wags her tail. And goes back to sleep promptly.

Since when did 'Bad girl' equate to wagging the tail!

High class puppy
I was having insomania (yes as usual) and on the computer. Normally she sleeps at my feet if my brother is not around or on my brothers bed when he's sleeping. I look at my feet. She's not there. So I go to my brother's room. She's not there!

So I go into my mom's room. I had switched the air conditioning on early so that when I finally did sleep I'd have a nice cool room. Guess what. There she was. Right in the middle of my mom's bed. Snoring. With all four paws in the air. Sleeping like a human.

Shelf climber
I was on the computer (when am I not on the computer?) and suddenly I hear whining. I can hear the whining but can't seem to find where Suki is. So I look around the room. Under my table. Under my bed. In my cupboard? No way!

I open my cupboard to see a very fat puppy squashed into a very small cabinet. She had knocked out all my clothes and made herself comfy in the top shelf. Only problem was: She didn't know how to get down.

So I carry her down and put her on the floor. She is eternally grateful and licks me as a reward. Five minutes later she is on the top shelf again! This goes on for about 40 minutes until it finally struck me to close the cupboard. (yea I'm slow... bite me!) I figured she was just bored and wanted me to pay her some attention.

I told my brother that she'd climbed to the top shelf by herself. He didn't believe me. HELL I DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. So I opened the cupboard and wait patiently. True enough she falls for the bait. I holler for my brother and he comes to see that she's stuck on the top shelf! HAH! Drugs didn't make me delusional.

Later on we figured out why she was climbing the shelf. Her favorite toy teddy was on top of the shelf. So she was trying to get to it. But I still think it was her way of attention whoring with me. *shrug*

Racist puppy

Yea you heard me. My puppy is racist. I brought her to the burger stall to buy some burgers ( why else would you go to a burger stall? *rolls eyes). There was a Chinese girl, a indian uncle and the two malay chaps cooking the burgers.

Indian uncle: Wow... pretty dog... *pets Suki*

*Suki wags her tail at the praise and licks his hand*

Chinese girl: Wah! So cute leh! *pets Suki*

*Suki wags her tail at the praise and licks her hand*

Malay dude: Comel ya anjing engkau *shakes Suki's head*

*Suki bites the crap out of his hand*

I was lucky Suki doesn't really bite that hard. It was more of a warning bite I guess. But the dude was asking for it la. Treating her so roughly.

Now when I told my brother about the puppy not liking Malays, he did exactly what I had planned to do. He gave Suki two treats.

I wonder where she gets her racism from ;)

Fat Dog run... Fat man run too

Ok. Heres a story about how I got some exercise for the first time in months (years?). My brother came home and I just got out of the shower. So I wrap my towel around my self and bring Suki downstairs to greet him.

Only thing is. When I go downstairs I don't see my brother. So I open the door and go out to check if he's outside. Normally Suki comes outside with me and goes all barmy when she see's my brother. Herein lies the problem.

My brother had ran upstairs to the loo as he had the runs... thus the running? Nvm that. Anyway, he was in such a rush that he left the gate open. I notice it ONLY after I let Suki walk out with me.

I look at the open gate.

Suki looks at the open gate.

I say: 'Don't even think about it Suki'.

Suki thinks about it.

Suki does a brave heart run : 'FOR FREEDOM!!!!'

I do a Spongebob meets Speedy Gonzales and run after her.

I did catch her... after streaking half my street with my flabby brown ass and my little... er... forget that.

Suki of course thinks its all a game and wags her tail excitedly when I catch her and licks the living daylights out of my face.

Two hands on dog.

What was holding the towel?


ok... so that last story wasn't true ;)

but hey... spongebob meets speedy gonzales was such an amazing concept I just HAD to make it up.

later peoples :)

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