Monday, July 14, 2008

Bad news for Fabulously Rich (or richer) People!

So you’re fabulously rich. Or is fabulous an understatement? Well, here at r2r we’ve been doing a little research about people like you. Guess what? We’ve found your Achilles heel! Here are the top 5 things you don’t want to hear when you’re swimming in the big bucks!

I want a divorce!
When you’re rolling in the moolah, the last thing you want is a gold digging little twit to marry you, only to divorce you in a few months for a fat divorce settlement. Look at poor Mr Rupert Murdoch. He lost 1.7 billion USD to his wife in June 1999. That enough to feed several starving African nations! (Well not really… but you get the idea!)

It’s YOUR baby!
Nothing says bye bye to money quite like someone claiming to have your baby! You’re now officially in charge of the well being of a child due to one night of hide the salami with a random stranger. Way to go!

Daddy, I’m in rehab!
This is like a trend amongst the brats *cough* children of rich people. Daddy (or mommy) I’m in rehab. I have so much money I just had to do drugs and alcohol cause nothing else is fun! If alcohol and drugs aren’t expensive enough for you, the repeated bills for rehab will put a small dent in your over sized wallet.

The stock market just crashed!
The stock market crashing often leads to other types of crashing for rich people. Rich people crashing their cars into very unmovable walls. People crashing out of windows from very very tall buildings. People crashing some money of other people to pay debts? Ok, the last one was pushing it but I have a word limit to meet!

We found your sex tape in the motel!
Paris Hilton anyone? Ashanti? Chua Soi Lek? Okay, so you guys don’t know the last one. Rich people don’t care about the welfare of the country. But my point is, the last thing you want splashed all over the papers is your little bondage session with your pet bunny (not the animal, the costume). This stuff can ruin lives… and cost you a bunch of money buying all the pirated DVD’s of it being distributed!

So there you have it! The top 5 things you don’t want to hear when you’re swimming in the moolah! Now keep your nose clean and stay away from these big no no’s! Don’t say we didn’t warn you first here at r2r!

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