Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Filling the gaps

Its been a week or so since Suki became a part of our family. There's both lighter and darker moments to share with you. And yet again... no photographs! Someone go beat the crap outta my lil bro or remind him to bring the adaptor back if you want pictures!

Well. We definitely know how to pick our pups. Our last one thought the world belonged at her feet. This one believes in leaving the world at her feet.

Our latest addition to the family was probably raised by cats in her first few weeks of her life. Yup. You heard me. Cats. Why do I think so? Well I don't THINK so. I KNOW so.

Firstly, when you call her name. She sits her ass down and refuses to acknowledge you existence. Unless you have food! Catlike? Definitely! :(

Secondly, she has a special skill no other dog has. She CLIMBS out of her play pen. Yes. CLIMBS!. C-L-I-M-Fucking-B-S out of her play pen. Dear God! Do you sense exasperation? No... its DESparation! I need SOME sleep. I know I'm a chronic insomniac and all but I still sleep on the occasion. Since this mutts moved in, my sleep's moved OUT!

At sharp 7am, normally the time I finally fall asleep; she starts whining her tail off. She's hungry! At 7 bloody AM in the morning! If I give in, I don't get any sleep. I go downstairs and feed her. Then she's all energised and wants to play. If I leave her alone. She whines, this time; energised by her food; EVEN louder. If I ignore her; she climbs out of her play pen and runs upstairs to wake me up close and personal. I CAN'T FREAKING WIN!

Another thing I discovered about her is she likes oasis songs. I secret weapon I intend to fully utilise. She wags her tail and falls asleep when ever I play Champagne Supernova (my favorite song of all time!). So I'm gonna get a CD of it. With like, twenty or fiffty repeats of champagne supernova, and GET SOME SLEEP!



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