Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ten years ago

this is a story that happened around 10 years ago... back when I was still young... adventourous and pretty dumb... any way...I was just 16 and me and my two best friends back then took a train down to Langkawi for a holiday... all sorts of funny and odd experiences were to come!

The first was when we were looking for a mini van to drive us to the car rental centre... as soon as we stopped, some one grabbed the drivers hand... at this point my intuition told me there was going to be a fight or some trouble at least. So I hurried my two friends and we walked away. Then we heard shouts 'OI! JANGAN LARI! So what did we do? We ran like hell! With our luggage and all!

Finally we ducked into a coffee shop and ordered drinks... praying the police wouldn't see us. I could see them from where we were seated... they were looking for us... a while later the coast was clear and we left taking another mini van (you'd think we'd have learned our lesson!) We asked about the peculiar behavior and why we were being chase by the police. Apparently, the mini van driver did not have a permit which was an offence. An offence that even the passenger are liable for. One night in the lockup or 1000 RM fine... Whoah! Thats no way to treat innocent tourists ignorant of the law!

Any way later on that day we were looking for a nightclub to hang out with... after walking for quite a while, we finally found a place... we walked in... and I was pretty impressed... lots of girls... so I turned around to say 'hey! not bad! lets hangout here' to my friends... to my horror they had disappeared... so I made an exit pronto... I found my friends outside... running... when I finally caught up with them... I asked them what the deal was... there were chicks in there!

my friend revealed to me that it was a whore house... thats why there were only women there... and all the women stood up when we walked in and said 'ooo theres customers' in hokkien which I didn't understand... close shave!

any way we went to the beach the next day and we picked up this japenese girl... she was pretty cute and could speak pretty good english... so we asked her to join us for a night of clubbing... to which she agreed... we picked her up and headed to cheraton for some drink and dance... my friend A, the eldest amongst us was making moves on her... so that left me and B to our own devices... we were drinking and made friends with a bunch of holland dudes... so we were drinking and dancing for quite a while... and stopped for a breather...I was sweating like mad... then I spied a swimming pool... so I jokingly suggested we go for a swim... the holland guy enthusiasthically agreed and I wish I kept my mouth shut...

me and B stripped down to our boxers... ready to go for a swim... then we looked to our right... the white boy decided to go full monty... naked as the day he was born! it rattled us a little but well... we swam any way... we were in the pool for about 15 minutes when a security guard came and said 'OI pool dah tutup la... sekarang dah pukul berapa?' So we quickly exited the pool. We were drenched...looking for something to towel off... we took table cloths from a table... yes... euwww!

Later we saw A standing over the pool, carrying the jap chick... threatening to throw her into the pool... with out thinking all three of us raced towards the pool... the holland guy having longer legs... reached first and gave A a mighty kick in the ass... sending both the squealing girl and a very annoyed A into the pool. Cue: Security guards return! Much cursing and scolding occured...

any way we went home after that... as in the shalleys... and invited the jap girl and the holland guy for a night cap.... a lil later they both turned up... we were drinking and chatting for a while when the there was another knock on the door... 'Oh that must be my friends,' said the Holland guy. 'I hope you don't mind.'

We said we were cool with it. There was plenty left to drink. Then the door opened and our jaws fell to the ground. Two very burly ah quas came into the room. One introduced 'herself' as 'Hi I'm fizzy, I'm gonna make you dizzy.'

A very quickly said he would be taking a walk with the jap girl... abandoning me and B alone with the burly she-males... the Holland guy then said he was tired and left... I was pretty much terrified at that point... they were ALOT bigger than me and my friend... images of me losing my anal virginity came to mind.... so I sat in a corner... smoking a cigar...

B continued to chat with them like nothing was wrong... and I continued to enjoy my cigar.

Then Fizzy asked 'Abang Vince, kenape senyap?' 'Penat,' I said curtly.

'Penat?' 'she' asked. 'Nak I massage?'

At this point I freaked out and started cursing in all the dialect I knew in chinese. Basically telling B to get these people out of the room before I did something crazy to them... as in hurt them... :p

So they finally left... I thought I would finally have peace of mind and a good nights sleep. Then A came back with the jap girl. We had two single bed that were put together. He separated them, explaining that the jap girl would be staying over that night. I shrugged and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, I heard moans and grunts. I wished the earth would swallow me right then and there. Then oddly, my bed that I was sharing with B started vibrating as well. I was wondering what the hell was happening. Then it occured to me! He was getting his rocks off too!

Poor me... stuck between some one getting laid, and another buddy pleasuring himself... and all I wanted to do was sleep! I swear I was cursing my luck that day... Suddenly B got out of the bed and switched on the toilet light.... he was washing his hands after doing his business! I could hear the jap girl whisper 'Oh no, they're awake'. A switched on the the light and with a very smug smile. offered me coke... I felt like shoving the coke where the sun didn't shine right there and then...

The next day we left for Selangor... it was a holiday filled with action and fun... something I always talk about and remember fondly... despite its little quirks... so thats my story :)

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