Monday, July 23, 2007


1. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
yup... had to send my shirt to the dry cleaners... icky stuff crying...

.2. Have you ever cried in an airport?
yea... when Az left... everyone was already at the brink of tears... cause he was the first person to leave for overseas and we were a very close group of friend... he walked down the escalator and everyone choked a little when he turned around to wave... the breaking point came when the bastard called from the waiting room to say good bye to everyone... almost all 9 to 10 of the ugys were teary or openly crying! Bastard malay!

3. Last person to make you laugh?

4. What was funny?
It was a really lame malay pun... so lame it was funny :p

5. Favorite John Mayer song?
Umm... I forget the name of it... if i'm not mistaken its your body is a wonderland... *shrugs* thats if I got the right artist XD

6. Scariest movie?
The eye... it was pretty damn spooky... but hilarious cause one of my guy friends was so spooked out... he begged me to wait for him to get into his house when I dropped him off... he was like... wait ar... wait arr... wait arr... and scrambling for his keys every time I stepped on the accelarator to pretend to drive off..

7. Last thing to bother you?
Missing a phone call :(

8. Last person to text you?

9. Last time you went looking for new clothes?
Hmm... a coupla months back... with mommy... I love shopping with mommy... new stuff and no money.... I wish I had more mommies :(

10. Whats going on last March?
My b'day :D... lots of drinking... and some drunken phone calls to ex's... hahah..

11. Last person to tell you they miss you?
My mom :D

12. What bothers your mom the most?
My smoking in my room... she can't take the smell...

13. Who will be your next kiss?
I have no idea...

14. Where do you see yourself in 8 years?
Working and married with a child :D Preferbly a daugther...

15. Your first thought in the morning?
Oh oh... we're gonna be late for mom's doc appointment...

16. Last dream you had?
I dreamt of shirley and phil... weird dream... don't wanna talk about it *Stressed*

17. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yeap... not many guys would admit to this I guess... *shrugs*

18. Ever been in love?
Yups... and out of it too... vicious circle

19. Last time you had a 4 hour talk with someone?
Hmm... around two years back... With my ex gf... didn't seem that long tho... the conversation not the time span..

20. Do you have a Friendster?
yup... and facebook too :p

21. Do you believe in stupid questions?
You mean like this one?

22. Where are you now?At home??
yeap... I ain't paying for a CC when I have free internet.. that'd be dumb...

23. Last time you danced?
I don't dance... people don't let me... 1) its fugly to see 2) people get burned by my ciggerette

24. The person that taught you how to swim?
I don't know how to swim XD

25. Whats your ring tone?
Its some crappy nokia ring tone... which reminds me... I want a new phone!

26. Do you own an iPod?
Nope... I have a radio on my phone which doesn't work... does that count?

27. Speak any other languages?
I speak two languages to quote Eunice 'Body and English'... :p... ok some chinese and english as well as a tit bit of french...

28. Whats your middle name?
I hate my middle name... Jeremiah

29. How many schools have you been too?
too many to count... I moved around a lot :p

.30. Who from your top friends have you known the longest?
Loads of people...

31. lalala?
dum dee dumm dee dumm :p

32. Do you like the "Brianstorm" song?
What dat? o.O

33. Where were you the first time you heard the song "Asereje"?
What dat again? O.o

34. Hardest class?
All classes are easy... just that some have crappy teachers...

35. How old were you when you went on your first date?
First proper date was when I was 16 :D

36. Who's your celebrity crush?
Don't have one :(...

37. Last thing you bought?

*stabs eunice, brana and pinky*

do or die!

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