Friday, August 05, 2005

My blogs not fugly anymore

Its been upgraded by yours truely to merely ugly. Anyone with 'like owner like blog' jokes will be fed to my brother. Trust me, he ain't fussy about his food. Oh wait, that was 10 years ago.

Then again, old habits die hard. Maybe he'll just chew you and spit you out this time. Runs in the family this habit does.

It took bloody ages to do it. I know its nothing amazing compared to the 'pro' html bloggers (or at least those who managed to bully/coerce/bribe/beg some one who is html savvy to help) but I'm pretty ok with how it looks right now

Ah well, had things on my mind anyway and it was a pleasant distraction. What do ya'll think?

Some how I have the feeling I'm gonna regret asking that question.

Perhaps I should ask IF ya'll think instead.

Lack of sleeps making me cranky... of to bed I go. Oh and a special thanks to L1 since I mostly based my html crap on the source of her webbie. Mucho kisses.

Later peeps.


Vince said...

good post... thanks?
I sense more self advertising here
*shakes head*

eyries said...

= =" it's ugly... da pic so ugly ler B1... = ="" Y make as header... kuwaii neee.. scary!! *shivers*

Vince said...


looks I might have to change the picture... but I kinda like it

we'll see lo :(

Siew said...

That pic rocks dude. I had it as my handphone wallpaper for a few months. Loved it. Anyway, your blog looks fine. If your blog is really for writing, then the asthetics are the last thing to worry about.

Vince said...

thanks buddy

but we don't allow big mean words like 'asthetics' here...

please go to the corner and put on the 'I'm a smarty pants' cap :D


Vince said...

well bladewing is a buddy of mine and he knows I'm teasing him...

as for using mispelt big words. I'm not one to pick on spelling. Personally I believe God's gift to writers was spellcheck.

Don't sound so paranoid.

As for the chains... how did you guess?I had to censor the picture due to the fact if the picture reveal what was down south, you'd know what gave me the big big smile


Vince said...

he is an old friend

*rolls eyes*

as in I chat to him and know him

Vince said...

that was a tad dramatic :p

Siew said...

Um... You know me? That is kinda scary because I don't really know you. Haha. Are you playing around or did you really mistake me for someone else?

Vince said...

I'm stalking you :D