Friday, March 23, 2007

wishful thinking

Baby's been missing for ten days now... and we have no idea where to look for her anymore.. in fact the search for her has been abandoned... we've given up hope on finding her roaming the streets... instead we're praying that some one's taken her in... and that hey give her a good home... and that they respond to the advertisement we've posted on the newspapers...

I'm absolutely heartbroken... I don't know what to do without her... my mom is so depressed... and so am I...

it was baby's birthday on the 20th... I hope some one finds her and brings her back to us...

sigh... heres to wishful thinking


machfairy said...

i don't know what to say, because nothing i say could possibly make you feel better.

i'm not one who believes in the saying 'everything happens for a reason'.

you just never know...God, or whatever's closest to it, has funny surprises up his sleeve.

chin up, vince.

Vince said...

thanks brana...
we'll see if there is a God or not soon enough I guess...

Anonymous said...

Our church prayed that Baby would be returned to you....and if that isn't God's will that you would be content knowing that He has a reason and purpose for everything..


Vince said...

thanks wayne... right now I'm not a big believer in God... but I appreciate the sentiment deeply...

I don't subscribe to the there's a reason for everything school of thought either...

we'll see if baby comes back...
but thanks wayne

Anonymous said...

That's ok Vince, I wasn't trying to get you to subscribe to anything....just want to see you get your dog back...


Vince said...

I know...

thanks again