Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pseudo tag by pinky

1.color of most clothes you own?
blue i think..

2.number of pillows you sleep with?
2 pillows, 1 small bolster

3.where are you right now?
in my room

4.what were you doing 12AM last night?
drinking old will you be in 10 years?
37... dear god...

6.what do you think you'll be doing in 15 years?
copy writing overseas u have braces?
used to

8.are you paranoid?
about some things yea

9.describe your wallet?
its black and keeps stuff for me :p

10.your alarm clock?
my handphone.

11.your hair?

12.tooth brush?
toilet brush? Wait... what was the question again?

13.what color are your eyes?
black, I think

14.unforgettable enemy?
rather not mention it

15.first play/musical/performance?
when I was 12 I acted in a national play... called Koporat... it was about HIV

16.last movie seen in cinema?
can't quite recall

17.last person you yelled at?
my mom

18.last crush?
a friend :)

19.last shoes worn?
my slip on loafers

20.last ice cream eaten?
just only.. macD raspberry cone

21.last word written by hand?
telephone number ;)

22.last time you wanted to die?
march 13th

23.when was the last time you went out at night?
an hour ago

24.what was the last song you heard?
Match box 20 - breakfast at tifanny's

25.what is it about the opposite sex
from another world

26.what do u want to do now?
find my dog

27.what's the first thing you ate this morning?
slept.. skipped lunch and breakfast... had thai for dinner tho

28.what's that one song you never get over?
Truely Madly Deeply and Baby can I hold you tonight

30.fave day of the week?
friday and saturday

I tag eolanda and iesnek

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