If you read my blog, and stay in the subang area, she is a jack russell terrier with brown head, white body and a distinctive black patch on her bottom. She is tiny too. She looks like a puppy. I'd post a picture but my internet at home is down and I don't have any pictures of her here.
Please please, I'm begging. Get in contact with me if you know anything. 0122809296. You can even miss call me and I'll call you back. We're offering a reward for anyone who finds her.
Please. She means the world to me and my mother.
Baby... come home :(
Sorry to hear Baby is missing....hope she just wanted to wander around for a while and returns. I had a Yorkie one time that used to take off all the time and once I lost him for 4 days...then I walked around the neighborhood and found him at some people's house that didn't know who he belonged to so just sort of kept him. The way I found him was he must have known it was me 'cause he started to bark and bark and he was in the sunporch in the back of the people's house. Another time he was about a block away in another person't house and I found him the same way. Might be worth a try to walk the neighborhood. I have a Puggle and can't imagine loosing him....I feel bad for you and your Mom....Good luck in finding Baby...
Have you found Baby yet? I prayed that she would return or that you would find her...
still no sign of her wayne...
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