Wednesday, January 09, 2008

tag smag hag

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night.
Hmm.. Eunice with her smart ass comment about my story.

2. What were you doing at 0800?
Looking for parking

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Writing up chapter 6

4. What happened to you in 2006?
Nothing outo f the ordinary... why 2006? shouldn't it be 2007? outdated piece of crap

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?

6. How many beverages did you have today?
coffee, tea and chinese tea... alcohol comes later tonight :D

7. What color is your hairbrush?
I have a black comb. Not much hair to brush :p

8. What was the last thing you paid for?
Chinese tea

9. Where were you last night?
At home.

10. What color is your front door?
Dark brown

11. Where do you keep your change?
My pocket

12. What’s the weather like today?
Gloomy crap

13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
I like rum and raisin or simply vanilla

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
I should but I won't

16. Are you over the age of 25?
AYE... :(

17. Do you talk a lot?
depends on crowd

18. Do you watch the O.C.?
OC whaaa?? (not a tv person)

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?

20. Do you make up your own words?
all the time.

21. Are you a jealous person?

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.

24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
Ah Jian

25. What does the last text message you received say?
"sorry I had to leave early"

26. Do you chew on your straw?

27. Do you have curly hair?
nope thank god

28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
to visit my bro in sjmc

29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
my mother... she's like the imperative queen or something

30. What was the last thing you ate?
char kuey teow

31. Will you get married in the future?
Dunno.. :(

32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
Only watched on movie... Enchanted... which was disappointing

Is there anyone you like right now?

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Last night

35. Are you currently depressed?

36. Did you cry today?

37. Why did you answer and post this?
Cause I heart eunice... actually I made her suffer through proof reading my story so this is my thank you D:

38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
Joe, Shirley, Julian, Felicia, Jade

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