Tuesday, August 05, 2008

cold feet 2

‘What’s the answer to the question?’ the teacher asked.

‘I don’t know,’ he replied.

‘Now, now, you got the top score for the Sciences in the Midlands in that last module. How can you not know?’ she chided mildly.

‘Someone mixed the scores up.’

‘Give it a try; for the rest of the classes’ benefit.’

He got up and walked towards the teacher.

‘Ask someone else to do it. I’m leaving.’

‘Class just started! Where are you going?’ she exclaimed.

‘Out,’ he said shortly and closed the door behind himself.

‘There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!’ Anne exclaimed.

‘What’s up? I was just about to leave.’

‘It’s your kid brother. He got into a fight!’ she blurted out.

‘What? Where is he now?’

Anne shuddered looking at him. His handsome face was a mask of fury waiting to explode.

‘He’s in the principal’s office.’

‘Who did he fight with?’

‘That 3rd year. Laurence. Black kid,’ she replied quickly.

‘Where is he now?’ he whispered.

‘In the nurse’s office… but its not what you think…’

‘Thank you.’

‘Wait! You haven’t heard the full story!’ She sighed as she watched him walk briskly towards the nurse’s office. ‘He never changes.’

He slammed the door open. He was about to shout the 3rd year students name; then he saw his face. He took a step back in surprise. The kid’s face was pretty messed up. His nose was bleeding and his right eye was swollen shut.

He grabbed the kid by his collar and dragged him out of the room.

‘Where are you taking him? I’m not done treating him yet,’ the nurse said.

‘For a chat. It won’t take long.’

‘Fuck you. Let me go you fucking wanker.’ Laurence squealed. His voice breaking with panic.

He pushed Laurence against the wall and lifted him to his eye level.

‘If you or your friends come near my kid brother again, I will kill you. Repeat what I just said.’

His right hand flicked the butter fly knife open and rested it squarely at Laurence’s throat.

‘If… if… I go near your kid brother again… you’ll… you’ll… kil… kill me,’ he stammered.

‘Do you think I’m bluffing?’

‘No sir. But you’ve got the wrong idea. It was him that…’ he started.

‘I don’t need to listen to your crap. Remember what I said,’ he said coldly. Then he casually backhanded Laurence and sent him flying into a chair.

He walked towards the office to look for his brother.

‘So, Jules. I saw the pretty face you left behind for me. Wanna tell me what it was about, lad?’ he asked his brother.

‘He tried to take my lunch money from me…’ he started.

‘So you beat the crap out of him?’

‘More or less. He wasn’t so smug when I clocked him one in nose.’

‘Do you feel better beating up someone weaker than you, lad?

‘He’s bigger than me, koh.’

‘He’s got a big brother too you know. I’ll have to talk to him later.’
‘Just talk?’

‘Yes. Just talk. Violence begets violence, lad. Look at your old man. Do you really want to turn out like him?’

‘I want to be like you, koh,’ he smiled.

‘You don’t want to be me. Be yourself. You’ve got a bright future ahead of you. I don’t want to ever hear you say that again.’


‘No buts… no ifs… this is the way it will be. And that’s the way it is. Understand, lad?’ he smiled as he said it, easing the brunt of the force he spoke the words with.

‘Okay, koh.’

‘There’s a good lad,’ he smiled broader and kiss his brother on the cheek.

‘Oh… by the way…’

‘Yea, koh?’

‘Nice right hook. I think you broke his nose,’ he smiled again.

‘It was a left hook. I’m left handed remember?’

‘Right. All the geniuses are eh lad? Study hard. It’s your ticket out of here. Don’t forget that.’

‘What about you, koh?’ Jules asked.

‘I belong here. You deserve to be somewhere better,’ he turned around and started walking away.


‘Yes, lad?’

‘I’ll take you with me. I won’t leave you. You’ve always taken care of me. I owe you that much!’ he gushed.

‘Silly lad. I didn’t do it for that.’ His smile widened. Then, there was a twinkle in his eye. ‘Besides, I can’t let anyone else but me, pick on my favourite roly poly.’

‘I won’t leave you, koh.’

‘I hope you’re wrong, lad. I hope you’re wrong…’ he patted his brother on the shoulder and walked away.

‘I was looking for you. But it looks like someone else found you before I did. Someone bigger and stronger by the looks of it,’ Ryan chuckled.

‘Yea. With a wrench. You think I look bad? You should see him,’ he replied with a smile.

‘Your kid brother beat the crap out of mine. How are we gonna even up on that score?’ Ryan asked.

‘I’ll leave him be. And you’ll leave my brother and me alone.’

‘That easy?’

‘We can fight if you really feel its necessary,’ he said blandly and waved his hand.

Six Asians came into view from a distance. They were all wearing the Nottingham University jersey.

‘Oh you brought friends too!’ Ryan laughed and gave a sharp whistle.

A dozen well muscled black kids walked up beside Ryan.

‘I see I’m not as popular as you are. But it’s who knows you not who you know that matters.’

‘Are you casting doubt on the quality of my entourage? Your skinny yellow kids aren’t going to do you much help. Don’t matter how old they are,’ Ryan hissed.

‘So you beat me up today. Put me in hospital. I’ll recover and find you the next day. The difference is: I won’t put you in hospital. I’ll kill you.’ He reached into his pocket and flicked the butterfly knife between his fingers.

‘That’s a nice butterfly you have there. Can I have a look at it?’

He threw the butterfly knife at Ryan who caught it deftly.

‘Whoah! Easy there! I could have gotten cut! This thing’s bloody sharp,’ Ryan complained.

‘You’ll need it.’ As he spoke a large group of white kids with baseball bats came into view from behind the trees.

‘I’m more popular than I think.’

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