Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Stupid Crazy People - part II

So here's part two. Yes. I realise its not quite as funny as it should be. What can I say? I'm trying hard. Its hard writing with a piece of you missing.

So apart from the screaming and hysteria the lady in the toilet cooked up, I also had huge problems with my own gender not using their intelligence.

There is a very huge sign on the door which states:


Apparently this was one syllable too many this group of people to understand. Without fail, when ever I was in a shower, one or two morons would walk in on me. I tell ya, this annoyed me to no end. How on earth are you supposed to take a comfy hot shower in the constant fear that some moron would walk in and give you a cheesy apology... AFTER looking you up and down.

Seriously. These people are so stupid that it was scary.

As a final resort, I placed a dirty towel on the door knob. Hoping that if the sign did not work, the towel would give the message that the shower was occupied. This worked amazingly well. Super amazingly well.

As I took my shower, I heard someone say in Malay 'Mamat mana yang bodoh sangat tertingal tuala kat sini?' (this translates to : 'Which idiot was so stupid to leave his damn towel here?) and the door opened. Oh IRONY .... thy sharp wit doth rend my soul apart....

Not ONE person. A group of 5 people who were running to the toilet to steal a smoke. I can tell you this much. I got so fed up i threw my shampoo, soap and anything else that was within grasping range. Well almost anything that was in grasping range. I kept my towel. Needed to maintain what tiny shreds of modesty I had left after all.

Assuming there is ANY modesty left after 5 morons with a bunch of ciggies see you buck bloody naked.


Anonymous said...

better send dev a 6mm /gg you can sting what ever cross your path when your in the shower, it will give your pest pain followed by a little mark mosquito bite mark :P that will last for a week.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have put a naked picture of yourself on the outside of the door to keep them from barging in on you....but of course the real thing is always 10 x's better than a picture!!

Anyway you probably made them happy for a few days!!

Hope you feel better real soon and whatever might be broken, heals up rather fast...


Vince said...

nah I think a photograph would have worked... albeit the fact I'd need to pose nude first is quite traumatic... both for me and the photographer of couser... it would have definately scared the shitniz out of the morons I guess...

I hope to feel better soon too... *Sigh*

O Rose thou art sick...

Vince said...

then u're not just losing your modesty...

you're probably screwed as well