This dude had one too many. His friends decided to put him in a hot seat. A different kinda of hot seat from the one I want to talk about though. I think this hot seat is more painful and possibly lethal.
The hotseat I want to talk about is in my baby car. Mini terror I like to call her. As you know I like things in small packages. I'm a firm believer of good things come in small packages!
This is my ride. As in a picture of the same car type. CLICK ME to donate digi camera.
I'm not gonna go into how many cow power or moron litres that my lil car can pack or has packed. All I know is her hotseat treatment packs a nasty punch! My buddy and I were having a drink at the local coffee shop. When we were done, we headed back to the car. I think he insinuated that my car was small.
Oh! Big mistake! She has napolean syndrome. (Little car with big personality... i.e. gets cranky like a woman PMS'ing when refered to as small)
Cold shoulder treatment? No way! She's brought it up a notch. To show her displeasure, she gave him the 'HOT SEAT' treatment. Like her owner she's a closet S&M junkie methinks. Upon sitting down, I hear my buddy squealing 'HOT HOT HOT!' fanning his butt frantically! My seat was perfectly cool and fine.
Voila the hotseat treatment. My mini terror strikes again!
I bet that left an impression. HAH! Or perhaps a few boils even eh Mingy? *Grins*
Don't mess with my little terror tho. When her owner has been in a less than sober state, she's kept up with some big timers. I remember tailgating a perdana, a waja and even a mercedes. I hate it when people think because they drive a larger car they can push my lil terror around. She's not too fond of it either. So many times I've had to stop her from kicking their butts with her bumper. Oh wait. That was the alcohol not my car!
Little car with a big heart. Some one once asked me to convert my car into a gas guzzling turbo engine'd one. As if I don't get into enough accidents without the extra help! No thanks man. I like to keep my car mostly intact. Same goes with my body. The important bits should be attached to the main frame. The car ... AND my body that is.
The beauty of this poor man's mini cooper is that it fits almost anywhere! Parking is almost never a problem. This pays soooo much when you get conned into going into those stupidly packed shopping complexes.
No parking? No problem.
Just park on the curb. You're too um... big challenged to cause an obstruction.
Not to mention the fun you have weaving in and out like a needle when the freakin streets of Malaysia are jammed. Which is like 23/7. I'll leave an hour out to be safe. There are the occassional oddities when the roads are clear.
I can't imagine why people drive auto cars. Like my mom's Kembara. Its like a mobile tissue box. It roars like hell but refuses to move. Like one of those angry bulls who are too damn lazy to move no matter how hard you pull at her nose ring.
I like my car. Incase you didn't get the idea by now ;)
lol...i truely understand ur passion. tat passion burns in me too. hehe
kaki lang (own people)
Great car...can't blame you for liking it....made by BMW...right?
You certainly have a way with words...enjoyed reading that story!! LOL....
hmm this one is called
Kelisa by Perodua... its a poor mans mini cooper.
BMW? nah.. unless BMW stands for Backward Malaysia Work. Then maybe :D
Sorry Vince..I'm not familiar with the cars over there...when you said "The beauty of this poor man's mini cooper...", thought you were refering to a mini cooper like a poor man's BMW....
Ok ...but anyway I get you..still a nice car and a great story!!
lol dev, here you either get "soccer mom's" in there stupid mini-vans or you get them civic drivers going my cars faster then yours. who care if the ride is small gas prices is one thing to worry about.
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