Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Dobberman bait?!

Things are looking a bit hectic at the moment. So can't really post or write much. Will do when I have more time.

Any way, can you imagine this innocent looking pup trying to take on a Dobberman? I can. Heck, I don't have to imagine, I saw it!

I was walking her yesterday when this friendly white lady went 'Awww so cuteee!'. Baby being her regular guard dog self (sarcasm) , took to the stranger immediately. Hopping to lick and say hello to the white lady.

I heard some grunts and growls. A bit too loud for my lil pup. When I looked carefully there was a HUGE and I mean HUGE Dobberman in the white lady's house.

Instead of being even mildly afraid, she hopped on to her hind legs and ran towards the Dobberman.

One word.

!!!!! PANIC !!!!!

I didn't want my lil pup to become Dobberman bait. Luckily there was a gate in the way. To be frank I'm not sure if the other dog was just being friendly. But hell, it was HUGE. He might squash baby by accident even. Hell if the dog broke wind in her direction the poor pup would be sent flying. She however was completely fearless. Which is okay. Since I had enough fear for BOTH of us.

Dobberman's are known to be a very unfriendly species bred specifically to bite tresspassers and thieves where it hurts. I sure as hell didn't want to end up a dobberman sandwich. Gosh. If I were a sandwich baby would be like a tidbit to that HUGE dog.

Thankfully nothing happened. I learned my lesson though. Never talk to strange white ladies who say 'AWwww so cute!'.

As you can see my pup tried to say that her owner is afraid of beer.

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So I had to fix that.

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Yup... much better


Anonymous said...

I want that dog!!!...and not the Doberman Pinscher....


Vince said...

you can have her

my house is full of poo and pee

not to mention her fur!

Anonymous said...

That doesn't bother me...she's worth it...send her on the next flight out....