Monday, September 29, 2008

Moving on...

I'm a compulsive sentimental. I keep just about everything and anything that reminds me about some one I've had feelings for. Mostly they are old emails. Pictures. Things that I made for them on adobe photoshop. Small things like that.

I've keep some emails for more than 12 years! So that gives you an idea of how attached I am to these little things. Not that I read them often. I read them once in a blue moon when I'm in a mood to take a trip to the past. Ok la! When I'm feeling emo :)

Today. I deleted them all! 300+ emails. From all my accounts. I deleted pictures and the stuff I made too. At first I was a little sad. There was a horrible feeling of emptiness looking at the empty screen and empty folders.

Then, slowly but surely, a feeling of... freedom crept in. I thought about all the relationships that I've been in. So far most of them started out like a script from a blockbuster Hollywood movie. Then ended like a B grade horror movie.

I thought about burning the items that I kept from my past relationships too. Once this was a ritual for me after each break up... I'd burn everything I owned from them, or return them. Then I thought, its not so bad keeping SOME memories... at least I when I tell my children and grand children I had my share of gf's in my youth... there would be proof :)

At the age of 28... I finally cut ties with my past relationships... and I think... I just think... the next one might... yea... might... just work out differently...

Here's to the future... and whatever it may hold. The past is dead. And most importantly... now forgotten. :)


Anonymous said...

It's hard to forget the past. Seriously hard.

theuptownlife said...

it feels good right?

although you're still you're an emo... cat? er.. dog! haha. ok la.. puppy. bluek.

Vince said...

yup it is ezra :)
thanks for the comment ;p

-_- puppy? I'm TOO old to be a puppy

*pees on fel anyway*